Whether you're a canning newbie, curious about where to start, or an old hand, join us at the Garden to learn from food blogger, author, and canning connoisseur Marisa McClellan. The class fee includes a copy of Marisa's newest cookbook, Naturally Sweet Food in Jars, which features over 100 jams, spreads, dips, whole fruits, and sweet pickles. Rather than rely on traditional refined sugar, Marisa explores a variety of natural sweeteners, such as honey, maple, agave, coconut sugar, dried fruits, and fruit juice concentrate.

Marisa will demonstrate a recipe from Naturally Sweet Food in Jars, as well as discuss canning and blogging and personally sign your new book. This class is a perfect introduction to a delicious and nutritious way to enjoy your garden all year long, and we hope you'll join us. To register, visit atlantabg.org and select "Learn."
Schedule Saturday, September 3, 3--4:30 p.m.
Fee $44 (Members $39), Book Included
Deadline August 15
Instructor Marisa McClellan, Author, Food in Jars